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Corporate Social Responsibility

We strive to be a company that achieves sustainable development and is responsible for the environment, society, employees, and stakeholders.

We advocate prioritizing virtue and focus on building an enterprise team that possesses both moral integrity and talent. We continuously provide opportunities and pathways for employees to enhance their abilities and realize their value, creating competitive compensation and benefits, as well as a favorable working and living environment, to strengthen mutual trust between the enterprise and its employees.

We commit to prohibiting the recruitment of child labor and underage workers, prison labor or prison workers; we prohibit any discriminatory behavior and oppose any forced labor, harassment, abuse, and corporal punishment.

We continuously improve our environmental and occupational health and safety management systems by identifying, assessing, and controlling risks at the workplace, formulating corresponding control measures, reducing unsafe behaviors and conditions, preventing personnel injuries, operational disruptions, and property losses, and ensuring the health of employees, contractors, and other personnel.

We express our determination to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), reducing the impact of our production activities on the environment.

We eliminate all acts of corruption within and outside the company, combat all forms of commercial bribery and fraud, and promote a good business ethics environment and the construction of commercial ethics within and outside the company through effective measures such as training and publicity.

Environmental Protection

Oriental Industries (SuZhou) Ltd.   is committed to providing green and sustainable products. The company continuously improves its environmental management system, persistently promotes pollution prevention and control, classifies and manages various pollutants before they are discharged, and reduces pollution at the source by continuously upgrading pollution prevention facilities and equipment. It controls wastewater and waste generated during production activities to ensure that their discharge and disposal comply with environmental protection requirements. Water management is taken seriously, with monitoring of water resource usage and discharge to find opportunities for water conservation, and rainwater is collected to reduce water resource consumption. The company continuously introduces air pollution control technology, regularly reviews existing facilities and production processes to ensure that all emissions comply with regulatory standards, expands the use of renewable energy, and reduces the consumption of non-renewable energy. The lifecycle management of products is emphasized, identifying and improving the impact of products on the environment and stakeholders, including customers, through lifecycle analysis of products. This includes the development of sustainable materials, optimization of production processes, and recycling and reuse of packaging materials and end-of-life products. All production sites continuously optimize waste management, reduce waste at the source, actively advocate for waste classification and recycling, and achieve the concept of resource recycling.

Energy Conservation

 Oriental Industries (SuZhou) Ltd. is committed to reducing energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases by enhancing production efficiency, retrofitting with high-efficiency equipment, utilizing photovoltaic power generation, and employing renewable energy sources to save energy, thereby aiming to decrease carbon dioxide emissions. The company continuously improves its energy management system, actively incorporates various energy management systems, and innovative technological equipment. It places great importance on energy conservation and emission reduction, with a dedicated department responsible for these initiatives. The company steadily advances the construction of its energy-saving policies, regularly arranges corporate energy-saving initiatives, and has established a mechanism for extensive employee participation in energy-saving efforts, integrating energy conservation and emission reduction into every aspect of the company's operations and management.

Sustainable Sourcing

 Oriental Industries (SuZhou) Ltd. actively promotes the level of social responsibility among its entire supply chain partners to jointly promote sustainable development. Based on local laws and regulations, as well as production needs, the company establishes supplier management standards; it prioritizes purchasing from local suppliers; selects and evaluates suppliers in accordance with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) related standards; communicates with suppliers through various channels, and holds irregular supplier technical exchange meetings to encourage a broad range of suppliers to take proactive responsibility, improve their performance in fulfilling responsibilities, and thereby enhance the level of social responsibility among the entire supply chain partners, to jointly promote sustainable development.


A、Scope of reporting

1、Violations of the company's business ethics management code, including but not limited to: unfair competition, fraud, conflict of interest, violation of the acceptance of gifts, commercial bribery and corruption, violation of the use and protection of assets, violation of information security and confidentiality, violation of financial reporting and information disclosure, money laundering, insider trading, violation of privacy protection and retaliation;

2、Fraud behavior, including but not limited to: favoritism and malpractice, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, extortion and so on;

3、Other acts in violation of the company's system、laws and regulations.

B、Privacy protection

1、Halead Internal Audit Department is the only department of HALEAD that is authorized to receive report information and investigate report incidents ,it’s reporting directly to the audit committee to ensure independent and objective report acceptance and investigation.

2、Halead has a strict confidentiality management system. the whistleblower's information and report materials are strictly confidential.

C、Whistleblower responsibility

1、The whistleblower shall abide by the national laws and regulations , and shall not harm the legitimate rights and interests of others;

2、The report content should be true, not malicious report and false accusation against others, otherwise our company reserves the right to pursue the responsibility of the whistleblower.

D、Reporting channels

The whistleblower can report to the internal audit Department of the company in the following forms:

1、Informants' hot-line telephone:0512-65951888-1888

2、Email address:feaudit.suzhou@feg.cn   cis@feg.cn


4、Other reasonable forms.