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Sustainable vision

With sustainable visions with innovation as the cornerstone, OTIZ builds a sustainable future with all partners.
The global energy system is transforming rapidly, leading to the reform of the supply and demand model, which is manifested in the emergence of carbon reduction policies and green energy. Governments around the world are taking actions to mitigate effects of climate change and fulfill their pledge to the Paris Agreement. Measures put in place include carbon neutral initiatives, carbon border tax, energy transition and circular economy, all of which are not merely international trends, but what make or break corporate competitiveness. Corporations must accelerate the pace of transformation in order to seize opportunities amid the crisis.
OTIZ adheres to corporate social responsibility while developing business to engaged with ecological and community growth, and therefor makes every effort to develop green products to maintain the ecological environment and achieve the purpose of company’s sustainability

Sustainable Value Chain
Implement sustainable business operations through value chain cooperation and achieve OTIZ's sustainability goals.

Green Products

Climate change and carbon neutral have become national policy and world trend. In response to this trend of circular economy, OTIZ continuously develops and invests in green industrial textiles based on the fundamental technology of TopGreen of FENC. At present, the achievements of development are including Bio-based polyester, Bio-based nylon and Recycled polyester
These green Eco-friendly textiles have been putting into the general industry applications (membrane, sunshades, tarpaulin, digital printing products, conveyor belts), also developing the reinforcements of tire, airbag and seat belt with the global famous automotive suppliers. To use these sustainable products with the international community to achieve the goal of circular economy and carbon neutral by 2050.
Bio-based Polyester, Recycled Polyester and Bio-based Nylon, which are able to be the textile reinforcement for the applications of Geo-textile, rubber products and automobile industry.
The social responsibility
We strive to become a can achieve sustainable development, and to the environment, society, employees and stakeholders in charge of the enterprise. Dedication to the corporate social responsibility, not only contribute to the growth of the enterprise, also help to increase the happiness of employees and the public. We will continue to work with all stakeholders to make more contributions for the human and the earth. We are looking forward to your advice and encouragement.
The energy management
OTIZ introduced the energy management system and technology innovation, sustainable use of renewable energy, minimize the use of non-renewable energy. We employ various mitigation measures to strengthen energy management, reduce carbon emissions, and slow down global warming. We take action to support the use of renewable energy. We reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reduce production activities' influence on the environment.
Environmental management

Global warming intensifies extreme weather patterns. OTIZ achieves environmental sustainability through innovations and constantly introducing new technology to reduce emission. We regularly check the existing facilities and production process to ensure compliance. To achieve emission reduction targets, consistently work to strengthen waste management. We implement material recycle to avoid waste, promote recycling and classification, and recycle resources. We are committed to doing everything to prevent production activities from affecting local biodiversity.